Wallet Tracker Telegram Bot for Ethereum ERC-20 Tokens


by Breno


Want to track a rich wallet's every move instantly? Get alerted in Telegram when a wallet sends or receives any ERC-20 tokens like USDT, USDC, and SHIB. Just enter the wallet address & connect to Telegram! No coding required. FREE to scan up to 100 transactions per month. See our other ethereum wallet trackers listed below 👇

Use This Bot
[object Object]

Related recipes

  • Ethereum Wallet Tracker Telegram Bot - Tracks any on chain activity involving a wallet: transferring ETH, buying or minting an NFT, swapping coins, etc. (also available as a Discord bot).

  • Whale NFT Purchase Alerts to Telegram - Know when a wallet buys into an NFT collection that's available on OpenSea.

  • OpenSea listings with trait and price filter Telegram bot - Get an alert when a good deal pops up on OpenSea so you can act fast!

How to use this bot

1️⃣ Enter the wallet address in the ERC20 transactions block. You can enter multiple wallets separated by commas.

[object Object]

2️⃣ Connect to Telegram (video below) and choose a channel from the dropdown list in the Telegram block.

3️⃣ Save the bot and turn it on ✅

[object Object]

Video: Connecting Telegram