Icy Tools NFT Collection Discord Bot


by Breno


Get NFT collection data delivered to Discord. No coding required! Just enter the collection, connect to Discord, and get updates.

Use This Bot
[object Object]

What can I do with this recipe?

  • Get the latest sales stats from your preferred collection.

  • Stats include sales floor, sales ceiling, sales average, sales volume and number of tokens sold.

  • Choose the time period from 6 hours to the latest 7 days.

  • Supports Ethereum ERC-721 Ethereum ERC-721. It should include in the future ERC-1155 and Polygon collections too.

How do I set it up?

Icy.tools block

Collection Address

Add in this field the address of the collector you’d like to track. If you don’t know the address, see how to find the contract address of an NFT collection.

[object Object]

Discord block

Channel Id

Follow the steps here to add Boto to a server and authorize it to message a channel.

[object Object]

Now just save your bot and turn it on!

[object Object]

Bot not working?

The most frequent reasons are: